Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Shits so Cash

I guess I'm returning to blogging because thats what seems to be cool nowadays, and what am I if not the quintessential fucking image of hip. I know most of you have been dieing to be even more connected to this beautiful mind of mine, or probably not, either way: to bad now you are.

What really is the point of blogging I considered for hours (hours is Jeffrey code for 10 minutes) today before painstakingly reseting the password on my google account. What is even worth blogging about, I can think of no better use of this little niche of the internets I've nestled into then for it to be an outlet for my anger. So our the humble beginnings of Jeffrey Incorporated, a place where you, the reader, can go to chuckle at my musings, my hateful hateful musings.

I don't have anything terribly interesting to say right now (I know, I'm setting myself up to hit this blog out of the park), so I'm just going to start with some random thoughts:
  • You know what I'm excited for people? Flogging Molly in February right before my birthday. You know what I'm not excited for. Having to step into the music farm again. For a place that calls itself a goddamn music farm you would think they would run the sound better in there.
  • Does anyone want to play a drinking game with me where we watch Avatar and count the cliches, actually scratch that someone might get alcohol poisoning.
  • I'm golfing tomorrow morning, it's going to be freezing and I'm terrible at golf, I smell success.
  • Being away from Charleston this long is making my insides sad, although that may just be the Mongolian beef from yummy house.
Don't you feel like you know me so much better now?!?!

Back in the day when I used to blog I ended everyone with a little life lesson, today's life lesson is: Don't use the term "back in the day" to refer to the beginning of 2008, thats just douche-y, oh wait damnit

**If you like what you read in this blog please comment below, If you didn't or have any complaints you would like to submit to JeffyINC please feel free to email us at**

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